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   Technology and Education 

Technology is great to use with students as long is not taking the whole curriculum, so bits and

pieces of it can be very resourceful.  My child is a visual and kinetic learner.  I also think that

many students are visual and can definitely benefit when teachers use movement to teach concepts. 

When I am explaining concepts or reading to my son, I like to reference back on google images.

Therefore, he knows what I am talking about . I did not have google or youtube as a child, and being

able to use these tools for teaching, is amazing. Moreover, I like to read him stories and I like adding

music to it.  When I help him with homework, I also like being funny and I play with him to make it

fun and not boring.  One of the things that I can find damaging to students, is word processor or

google docs. It automatically corrects spelling errors and therefore, students are not trying to

memorize writing.  Students and adults are not only becoming lazy to memorize but it also

hinders memory skills.  Moreover, tablets and computers are taking the place of books and for

students to be on screen too long, is scary. There can be long term consequences to health and vision.

It is less expensive to have books online but health concerns should be taken into consideration.


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