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Showing posts from November, 2019

My Tec Class Reflection

 Sandra Candelas  I knew that I was going to learn about technology, it was a little overwhelming at times to keep up with the fast pace of some of the google applications as they were completely new to me. I did know about google drive and now I know how to use it more effectively and understand it a little more. We learned how to create educational videos using applications such as google classroom, and create educational videos using different applications also. Screencasting and We video were some of my favorite. They are different though, as screencasting is more for classroom education and presentations. The We video is an app that is used to just inform or create a video, not really interactive. I did always wondered how the professors in my school did some of their teachings and have found how to use the technology they use. Podcasting is another resource that I did not understand. I wondered how it worked and if it were similar to a radio. Know I know that it is an online

My We Video

         My We Video  I really enjoyed making the We Video for my Tec Class. I learned a lot about technology and I hope that the schools I work to implement this type of style. I will also keep in touch with tec and explore different education avenues for students. I think knowledgeability in tec is extremely important as this is our new world. Making my video took a while but I got in touch with my creativity. I would leave it alone come back and think about what else to implement, how I was going to make my message stand out the most and look attractive. I had my son involved and he had a  taste of what an actor goes through. At first, he was acting normal when I asked to make a video clip but the moment I had said that I was putting it on youtube, he started to laugh with every take. I had to really act like a director and had many, many takes. I think this project was the most enjoyable throughout my whole schooling. At the moment I have a smile on my face. :)) I always wan